Czech Society of Hemophilia (CSH) was founded in 1990, short time after the change of the political establishment in our country. František Vondryska became the first president. In 2010 he was succeeded by Vladimír Dolejš.
CSH has for object to help all patients who adress to it, with problems of any kind – may it have medical, social, mental or juridic character, etc. Every second year the conference of the association takes place to assess passed period. Once per four years a new council of CSH is elected. Periodically, the Hemophilia reporter is published, to – above all - inform the members about the news in the treatment, activities of the asssociation, social issues, laws and many other practical subjects. Website CSH www.hemofilici.cz has existed in service since the second half of the nineties.
The Society is partly state-aided by the Ministry of Health of the Czech republic, who is as well its partner concerning the treatment of hemophilics and all related matters. Other financial support which makes the organisation run comes from the pharmaceutical companies.
The work force of the association is composed of several unpaid volunteers.